Comparative strength of the Soviet rifle division and the German infantry division

Comparative strength of the Soviet rifle division and the German infantry division in summer 1941

Vehicles and weapons Soviet rifle division German infantry division
Total strength, men 14 483 16 859
Rifles and carabines 10 420 11 500
Heavy machine-guns 166 142
Light machine-guns 392 434
Antiaircraft machine-guns 33 --
Sub machine-guns 1 204 486
Antitank rifles -- 81
Guns 144 161
Mortars 66 54
Cars and trucks 558 902
Horses 3 039 6 358
Tanks 16 --
Armored cars 13 16
Tractors 99 62

"Strategical essay about the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945", Moscow, 1961.

This page belongs to The Russian Battlefield
