The Glossary of Soviet Terms and Abbreviations
The Glossary of Soviet Terms and Abbreviations

ABTU Avto-Brone-Tankovoe Upravlenie - the Truck-Armor-Tank Directorate, also see the GABTU
AMTORG Amerikanskaya Torgovlya - Trade Company with USA
Artkom Artillerijskiy Komitet - the Artillery Committee
BOT Bronirovannaya Ognevaya Tochka - Armored Firing Point
ChKZ Chelyabinskiy Kirovskiy Zavod - the Kirov Factory in Chelyabinsk
ChTZ Chelyabinskiy Traktorniy Zavod - the Tractor Factory in Chelyabinsk
CMVS Centralniy Muzei Voorushennikh Sil - Central Museum of the Armed Forces
DT Degtyarev Tankoviy - the machine-gun developed by V.A.Degtyarev
GAZ Gorkovskiy Avromobilnij Zavod - the Gorkij Automobile Factory
GAU Glavnoe Artilleristkoye Upravlenie - the Chief Artillery Department
GABTU Glavnoe Avto-Brone-Tankovoe Upravlenie - the Chief Truck-Armor-Tank Directorate
GBTU Glavnoe BroneTankovoe Upravlenie - the Chief Tank Department
GKB Glavnoe Konstruktorskoe Buro - the Chief Design Bureau
GPU Glavnoye Politicheskoye Upravleniye - State Political Administration (secret police), also see OGPU
GKO Gosudarstvennij Komitet Oboroniy - the State Defense Committee
GOKO see the GKO
GULAG Glavnoe Upravlenie Lagerei - Main Council of Prisoner Camps
GUVP Glavnoe Upravlenie Voennoi Promyshlennosti - Main Council of Military Industry
KA usually Krasnaya Armiya - Red Army
KB Konstruktorskoe Buro - Design Bureau
KhPZ Kharkovskij Parovozostroitelnij Zavod - Kharkov Locomotive Factory
KVZhD Kitaisko-Vostochnaya Zheleznaya Doroga - the Eastern-Chinese Rail Road
KTZ Kirovskij Tankovij Zavod - the Kirov Tank Factory
Narkom Narodniy Komissar - Peoples' Commissar (equal to Minister)
Narkomat Narodniy Komissariat - Peoples' Commissariat (equal to Ministry)
Narkomvoenmor Narodniy Komissar po Voennim i Morskim Delam - Peoples' Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs
NKB Naucho-konstruktorskoye Byuro - the Research Design Bureau
NKO Narodnyi Kommisariat Oborony - the People's Commissariat of Defense
NKSM Narodnyi Kommisariat Srednego Mashinostroeniya - the People's Commissariat of the Medium Machine-Building
NKV Narodnyi Kommisariat Vooruzhenij - the People's Commissariat of Armaments
NKVM Narodnyi Kommisariat Voennogo Mashinostroeniya - the People's Commissariat of the War Machine-Building
NKVD Narodnyi Kommisariat Vnutrennikh Del - the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs
NKTP Narodij Komissariat Tankovoj Promyslennosti - the People's Commissariat of the Tank Industry
NTK Nauchno-Tekhnicheskiy Komitet - the Scientific-Technical Committee
OAT Orudiino-Arsenal'nyi Trest - Artillery Arsenal Trust
ODVA Otdel'naya Dalnevostochnaya Armiya - Independent Far East Army
OGPU Ob'edinennoye Glavnoye Politicheskoye Upravleniye - Unified State Political Administration (secret police), also see GPU
OKB Opytno-Konstruktorskoe Buro - the Pilot Design Bureau
OSOAVIAKhIM Obshestvo Sodeistviya Oborone, Aviatzionnomy i Khimicheskomy Stroitel'stvu - The Association for Assistance of Defense, Aircraft and Chemical Development.
OTTPP Otdelniy Tyazhelij Tankovij Polk Proriva - Independent Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment (also see TTPP)
RGAKFD Rossijskii Gosudarstvennii Arkhiv Kino-Foto-Dokumentov - Russian State Archive of Films and Photo Documents
RGAE Rossijskii Gosudarstvennii Arkhiv Ekonomiki - Russian State Archive of Economy
RGK Rezerv Glavnogo Komandovaniya - a Reserve of the High Command.
RKKA Raboche-Krest'yanskaya Krasnaya Armiya - the Army of Workers and Peasants, or simply the Red Army.
RSFSR Rossijskaya Sotsialisticheskaya Federativnaya Sovetskaya Respublika - Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic, one of 15 Soviet republics. Today, it is Russian Federation.
RVS (or Revvoensovet) Revolutionniy Voennij Sovet - the Revolutionary Military Council.
RVGK Rezerv Verkhovnogo Glavnokomandovaniya - see RGK.
SAP Samokhodno-Artillerijskij Polk - the Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment
SKB Samostoyatelnoe Konstruktorskoe Buro - the Independent Design Bureau
SNK Sovet Narodnikh Komissarov - the Council of Peoples' Commissars (Council of Ministers)
Sovnarkom see the SNK
STZ Stalingradskij Traktornij Zavod - the Stalingrad Tractor Factory
TSAP Tyazhelij Samokhodno-Artillerijskij Polk - the Heavy Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment
TsK VKP(b) Tsentral'niy Komitet Vsesojuznoi Kommunisticheskoi Partii (bolshevikov) - the Central Comittee of the All-Union Communist Party (of bolsheviks), later VKP(b) was renamed to CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union)
TTPP Tyazhelij Tankovij Polk Proriva - the Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment
TsAKB Tsentral'noye Artillerijckoe Konstruktorskoe Buro - the Central Artillery Design Bureau
UZTM Uralskiy Zavod Tyazhelogo Mashinostroyeniya - the Ural Heavy Machine-Building Factory
UMMA or UMM RKKA Upravlenie Motorizatzii i Mekhanizatzii Armii - the Directorate of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army
VIM BTVT Voenno-Istoricheskij Musej Bronetankovogo Vooruzheniya i Tekhniki - the Military-Historical Museum of Armored Transporters and Tanks
VOAO Vsesoiuznoe Orudiino-Arsenal'noe Ob'edineniye - All-Union Artillery Arsenal Association
VSNKh Vysshiy Sovet Narodnogo Khozyaistva - the Supreme Soviet of the People's Economy
YaAZ Yaroslavskij Avtomobilniy Zavod - the Yaroslavskiy Automoblile Factory
