Firearms Бронетанковая техника и артиллерия времен Великой отечественной войны. Воспоминания ветеранов. Аналитические материалы. Боевые донесения, отчеты по испытаниям, архивные материалы. Обширный фотоальбом, включая чертежи. Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management Револьверы системы Нагана 2011-04-27T12:45:16Z 2011-04-27T12:45:16Z /en/firearms/537-nagant.html Сергей Исайкин <p class="plain" style="font-weight:bold; color:red; margin:40px 0;">This article is not translated in English yet. Please switsh to Russian language to read it or to translate it.</p> <p class="plain" style="font-weight:bold; color:red; margin:40px 0;">This article is not translated in English yet. Please switsh to Russian language to read it or to translate it.</p> Партизанский эксклюзив 2011-04-17T20:06:10Z 2011-04-17T20:06:10Z /en/firearms/536-partizan-firearms.html Сергей Плотников <p class="plain" style="font-weight:bold; color:red; margin:40px 0;">This article is not translated in English yet. Please switsh to Russian language to read it or to translate it.</p> <p class="plain" style="font-weight:bold; color:red; margin:40px 0;">This article is not translated in English yet. Please switsh to Russian language to read it or to translate it.</p> Германский ПЗРК «Люфтфауст» 2011-04-09T10:55:27Z 2011-04-09T10:55:27Z /en/firearms/534-luftfaust.html Сергей Плотников <p class="plain" style="font-weight:bold; color:red; margin:40px 0;">This article is not translated in English yet. Please switsh to Russian language to read it or to translate it.</p> <p class="plain" style="font-weight:bold; color:red; margin:40px 0;">This article is not translated in English yet. Please switsh to Russian language to read it or to translate it.</p> Опыт применения противником ручного противотанкового оружия в Берлинской операции 2010-04-20T18:04:45Z 2010-04-20T18:04:45Z /en/firearms/400-berlin-panzerfaust.html Андрей Кравченко <p class="plain" style="font-weight:bold; color:red; margin:40px 0;">This article is not translated in English yet. Please switsh to Russian language to read it or to translate it.</p> <p class="plain" style="font-weight:bold; color:red; margin:40px 0;">This article is not translated in English yet. Please switsh to Russian language to read it or to translate it.</p> Soviet Anti-Tank Rifles 2009-09-25T14:12:21Z 2009-09-25T14:12:21Z /en/firearms/346-soviet-antitank-rifles.html Валерий Потапов <p class="blog">With the beginning of the war with Germany, Soviet infantry did not have an antitank weapons because Soviet leadership considered that the Wehrmacht had thick-armored tanks, against which not only the rifle but even the 45-mm antitank gun would be ineffective. However, in the course of combat operations it became clear that...</p> <p class="blog">With the beginning of the war with Germany, Soviet infantry did not have an antitank weapons because Soviet leadership considered that the Wehrmacht had thick-armored tanks, against which not only the rifle but even the 45-mm antitank gun would be ineffective. However, in the course of combat operations it became clear that...</p>